
Shopping Rates

Ertel & Company has a team of experienced individuals whose expertise in the insurance business allows us to shop and negotiate the best rates on your behalf. Because our clients have healthier employees thanks to our health and wellness programs, we’re able to provide comprehensive solutions that are tailored to your specific needs without breaking the bank.

The Wellness Program

Ertel & Company has devised an innovative solution to helping clients maintain a healthy staff that improves benefit costs. How do we do it? We’ve created a mobile wellness clinic that helps get employees healthy and keeps them that way. Our wellness bus is set up just like a doctor’s office. Employees don’t have to use up sick time or request off work to go to a doctor’s appointment. Instead, the doctor comes to you. Providing wellness visits, health risk management, and proactive personalized programs for your employees, our wellness division allows your company to increase productivity through innovative health-focused solutions. Some of our wellness programs include:

  • Identifying health conditions employees may face, such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and colon cancer.
  • Designing a proactive personalized program that promotes health and wellness for employees.
  • Providing an on-site preventive care and clinical service through the use of our mobile health and wellness unit, the Mobile Medical Center.
  • Helping control health care costs by proactively providing personalized solutions with proven outcomes.
  • Offering years of wellness experience through our medical team.
  • Providing wellness resources and education with our Health and Wellness Platform. This solution supplies every employee with education in a mobile friendly, fun, fulfilling way.