Employee onboarding is a vital part of the HR process, but it can be cumbersome. Ertel & Company is proud to introduce Maxwell Health, our online paperless resource for onboarding and open enrollment. This robust electronic system is fast, easy, and paperless, and allows for a simplified process of onboarding your employees.
The complexities of evolving and ever-changing health insurance compliance can be overwhelming and exhausting. Let Ertel & Company help you navigate compliance demands. We have partnerships with Zywave and HR360, online sources for employee and employer compliance. Not to mention, we have a complete staff with experienced benefits expertise.
Ertel & Company has invested in a versatile benefits technology system called Maxwell Health. Maxwell Health simplifies online benefits administration so that you can focus more on your employees and less about the confusion and complications of onboarding.
The Maxwell Health platform combines management of and enrollment in benefits into one experience. It eliminates the hassle of day-to-day benefits administration and provides a streamlined experience for employees.
Studies show that engaging employees in fitness goals and wellness challenges motivates them to become happier, healthier and more productive team members. The drawback for many companies is that a wellness program can be challenging for an HR team to implement. With an Ertel & Company partnership, we can handle your program for you.
The Ertel & Company mobile platform holds employees accountable for their wellness points. By directly linking with employee trackers such as a FitBit, the mobile platform compiles all the employees’ data, saving your HR team hours of work totaling and confirming wellness points.
Our mobile platform also offers university training courses, which reward points for learning about common ailments like heart disease. Once an employee maintains a certain level, he/she is rewarded with cash in some instances or cheaper wellness rates in other cases.