
I love the wellness perk! Being able to stay on top of my health risks and concerns allows me to take a proactive approach to my well-being.” – Another valued customer

“It’s nice to be able to save my sick time for when I’m actually sick, instead of for routine doctor’s appointments and flu shots.” – A happy client

“It’s nice to be able to save my sick time for when I’m actually sick, instead of for routine doctor’s appointments and flu shots.” – A happy client

“The onsite mobile clinic went beyond my expectations. It was literally just like a doctor’s office—only on wheels!” – A satisfied customer

“The Ertel & Company staff are so friendly! It was the most fun doctor’s appointment I’ve ever had!” – Another happy client

“The Ertel & Company staff are so friendly! It was the most fun doctor’s appointment I’ve ever had!” – Another happy client

“I appreciated that Ertel & Company goes the extra mile to maintain employee confidentiality. No curtain that divides you from the next person over where you can hear everything about one another like I experienced at my last job. With Ertel it’s just like going into a doctor’s office!– A valued customer